Part Time Tuition & Fees
In order to serve more families better, CDA will open classes in grades 7-12 to students on a per class basis. This allows homeschooling students to benefit from individual classes in specific areas of interest. The student will be fully enrolled in each class. Uniforms, assignments, attendance, behavior, and participation expectations will be the same as for full-time students.
Tuition and fees for ala carte classes:
A registration fee of $275 is due at the time of application for the semester.
A placement testing/transcript review fee of $75 is charged for all students new to CDA.
Tuition will be charged at the rate of $190 per hour of class in a week, per semester.
Activity and Supply fees will be $450 per student per semester, for any number of classes. This includes the use of CDA owned books, consumable worktexts, and all the supplies for the classes.
For example:
A new 9th-grade student will bring $425 (registration and testing) with his or her completed application. After a family interview and a placement test/transcript review, the decision on acceptance will be made and the tuition calculated.
A student who is in class four hours per week will pay $760 in tuition and $450 in fees for that 18 week semester, for a total of $1,210.
The office will set up a payment schedule for tuition and supply fee if requested.
Fee schedule:
$275 in registration and $75 placement fees, due at application
$450 supply fee
$760 tuition
Total for the Semester: $1,210
There is no refund for the testing and transcript review fee.
The registration fee will be refunded if your student is not accepted by CDA.
The Activity and Supply fee is non-refundable after acceptance.
If an enrolled student is withdrawn anytime before the end of the first three weeks of class, a 50% tuition refund will be issued. The remaining balance is still required for that semester.
If a student is withdrawn after the end of week three, there will be no refund.
If a student is asked to leave by the principal at any point in the semester, there will be no refunds.
If a student fails the class, there is no refund.
The headmaster reserves the right to make final decisions on enrollment and fee issues.