Coram Deo Academy teachers
are dedicated to the spiritual and
academic growth of their students.
Neisha Kilkenny - Head Teacher of Grammar School, Teaching in Upper School: Algebra, Health/Nutrition, Literature, Logic, Writing, Scholastics.
Mrs. Kilkenny has 10 years of experience in early childhood education and was the owner/director of Rooted in Christ Childcare and Preschool. She also has experience and training working with children with special needs and disabilities and enjoys partnering with parents to meet the needs of each individual child. Although Neisha frequently moved around as a child, the Tri-Cities has been her home for more than 20 years. Neisha and her husband, Tyler, have three children, all of whom attend Coram Deo Academy.
Throughout the years, Mrs.Kilkenny has served in children’s ministries at various churches, most recently as the lead teacher for a Kindergarten Sunday school class. Neisha’s favorite place to be is at home spending time with her family. She enjoys camping, gardening, and working on home improvement projects. The Kilkenny’s also love animals and have several pets, including a dog, cat, turtles, and sugar gliders. Mrs. Kilkenny enjoys serving the families at CDA by sharing her love for Jesus with her students and encouraging them to pursue and develop a deeper relationship with Christ.
We are deeply thankful for all of our teachers, dedicated to the Mission and of Coram Deo Academy.
Katie Christenson - Kindergarten
Mrs. Christenson taught preschool at Jesus Loves Me Preschool in Richland prior to beginning her teaching role at Coram Deo Academy. She has earned her Associate of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies from Gather4Him Christian College in Kennewick, Washington.
Mrs. Christenson and her husband Conrad have two children. Mrs. Christenson enjoys spending time with her family, going on adventures at the park, and thrift shopping. She is actively involved in her church’s children’s ministry.
Mrs. Christenson loves being able to engage with her students through music and finds great joy in guiding them on their walk with the Lord.
Wendy Dammarell - First Grade
Before becoming a teacher for Coram Deo Academy, Mrs. Dammarell previously was a school counselor for several years. She has earned her National Boards in Teaching and Counseling, along with a Masters Degree in K-12 School Counseling.
Wendy and her husband have one daughter who attends Coram Deo Academy. She serves as a Sunday School teacher and Nursery Director for her local church, along with other volunteer opportunities.
Mrs. Dammarell and her family enjoy spending time outdoors, playing games, and hosting family and friends. She loves arts and crafts, silly jokes, Mexican food, and catching up over a great-tasting iced coffee.
Her desire is to help young children understand God’s faithfulness and come alongside them for support as they learn to honor God in all that they say and do.
Elizabeth Iulio- 2nd-3rd Grade
Elizabeth is currently working on her teaching degree at Western Governors University. She has always had a passion to work with kids, and God led her to teaching.
Mrs. Iulio was born in Washington but raised in the southern part of the U.S.. She moved to Washington when she was 15 and it was here, in the Tri-Cities, where she met and married her husband.
Elizabeth and her husband are actively serving in the ministry at their church, Grace Point. She and her husband are currently going through the credentials to serve in the ministry.
She is looking forward to sharing her love for Jesus here at CDA.
Kainoa “Miss Kai” Ynigues - 4th-5th Grade
Kainoa Ynigues has worked for many after-school nonprofit organizations in Seattle and Portland. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in education from Western Governors University and attended the Portland Art Institute for her B.A. in graphic design.
Ms. Kai was born on the Big Island of Hawaii and now lives in Pasco, Washington with her son and daughter. Ms. Kai enjoys serving her church by helping with children’s Sunday school and the middle school youth group.
Kainoa enjoys swimming and kayaking, as long as the water is warm. Kainoa also loves to be creative in any way, shape, or form. This includes painting, drawing, and sculpting.
Ms. Kai loves to share her love of Jesus and his creation with those around her.
Allison Hubbard - Classical Languages & Communication
Allison Hubbard teaches Latin, Koine Greek and Public Speaking at Coram Deo Academy at nearly every level of both the Lower and Upper School. Many students consider her their favorite teacher She has been teaching classical languages since 2013. She has a B.S. in Psychology.
Allison was born in Virginia and now makes her home in the Tri-Cities with her husband Nicholas. As a graduate of classical education, Mrs. Fink is invested in the school’s teaching methods. She also serves in her church’s mentorship ministries.
Allison enjoys reading good books and exploring new ideas. She and her husband share two beautiful chameleons who love to go on short road trips and walks in the park.
Allison loves serving CDA students by inspiring them to love learning and showing them how much God loves them every day.
Lean why Latin Language is a valued subject in classical education here.
Adjunct Faculty
Azure Booth- K-5th Art
Azure Booth is a classically educated NSA and Logos graduate looking forward to teaching elementary art this year.
She has been involved in serving at Coram Deo Academy as a volunteer for several years and is a member at Quinault Baptist Church, where she attends with her family.
Bob Hoffmann - History
While Mr. Hoffmann’s academic record includes construction, business and law, his interests have always included historical biographies. He taught classes at four community colleges, and presently teaches “nines and tens” Sunday School. Before coming to Coram Deo in 2020, Bob served in prison ministry, as chapel speaker at the Mission, and on Pasco City Council.
Bob and his wife Sharon came to the Tri Cities in 1981, homeschooled their five children, and enjoy four grandchildren. He became acquainted with the basics of property management as a child growing up in a duplex in New York City. He has enjoyed using his limited Spanish among Hispanic tenants, and limited French on short term mission assignments in West Africa. Bob and Sharon look after an assortment of cats, dog and bird, tend a garden, and travel to historic places.
Mr. Hoffmann desires to impart the lessons of history to students at Coram Deo so they can think about life in Christian categories, “understand the times,” and experience the virtue of a self-governed life in Christ.
Scott Wells- 6th-12th Choir
Scott was born in Texas and grew up in a small town in the Texas panhandle. He earned a Music Education degree from Texas Tech University. Scott was a Minister of Music and Youth in churches in Texas before moving to Richland, Washington.
In the spring of 1990, Scott, Renae and their 3 children moved to Richland Baptist Church, and Scott became the Minister of Music and Youth. Over the years, there have been different responsibilities at the church, but they always included music. Now, his official title is Associate Pastor and Worship Leader. He has served in ministry for 44 years, 34 being at RBC.
Scott’s children are grown and have children of their own, and they live in Yakima, West Richland, and Central Asia. He has 7 grandchildren. Scott’s wife, Renae, moved to heaven in 2022. Scott enjoys backpacking, fishing, and spending time with children and grandchildren.
Rick Rosser- Algebra 2
Rick Rosser teaches Algebra II at Coram Deo Academy. Rick came to CDA after 16 years as a U.S. Air Force and commercial airline pilot and 28 years as an engineer at the Hanford Nuclear Site. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and from the University of Southern California with an M.S. in Systems Management.
Rick was born and raised in Florida but has spent his adult life living and working in other areas of the U.S. including the last three decades in the Tri-Cities. He and his wife, Ellen, have four children and sixteen grandchildren, most who live in the Tri-Cities. He has served as a deacon in his church and currently teaches fifth and sixth grade small group bible studies.
Rick enjoys most sports. He has coached Upward Basketball and Little League Baseball. He and his wife enjoy biking in the Tri-Cities and other areas in Washington and Idaho. He also golfs when able. Rick attended public school when God was allowed in the classroom. He loves the opportunity to serve in a school where God and His Word are preeminent.
Karen Nyman - European Literature
Karen’s previous experience includes teaching English to middle and high schoolers, tutoring ESL students, as well as homeschooling her own children for over four years. Karen earned her B.A. in Elementary Education from Northwest Nazarene University and an M.A. in Literacy from Washington State University.
Mrs. Nyman grew up in the Lower Valley (Prosser, WA), lived overseas after college, and has spent most of her adult life in the Tri-Cities. She and her husband, Scott, have three girls, all of whom attend Coram Deo Academy. She has served in her church’s nursery and has also led small groups for teen girls.
The enjoyment of reading, baking alongside her husband, exploring national parks, and running a small business keeps her busy. She and her family volunteer at Soul Soup and pray often with 40 Days for Life.
Karen aims for her students to develop not only a love for literature but a vision to love and serve others with the hope of Christ.
Charisa Cornellison - Algebra 1, Science (Biology and Advanced Biology)
Charisa earned a Biochemistry and Biotechnology degree from Eastern Washington University. Before becoming a mother she worked eleven years in the lab as a research protein chemist in Seattle, Washington and Christchurch, New Zealand. When at university, she found that math tutor was the highest paid job on campus and has stuck with it over the years.
Mrs. Cornellison was born in Benton City and, with God’s great sense of humor, now lives there again in a multi-generational home with her husband (Mark), their two sons, two dogs, two neighbor cats (that have adopted them), her father, and his dog. She sings and plays djembe on the worship team at her church.
Charisa can often be found in her garden, reading a book, watercolor painting and sewing in her craft room, cooking and baking gluten free food, participating in her book group, drinking tea— never coffee—and learning her “new thing” for the year.
She is looking forward to sharing her love of Jesus and science with the students at CDA.
Laura Kuperstein - Washington State History and Personal Finance
Mrs Kuperstein leads the 8th graders through Science classes in the upper school at Coram Deo. Her family roots go back for six generations to a ranch near Enterprise, Oregon, where she has happy childhood memories of vacations, and where she returns each year to hunt elk. Born and raised in Spokane, Seattle and Port Orchard, Laura also has the distinction of having traveled to all 50 states throughout her life.
Laura prepared for an education degree at Eastern Washington University, together with interdisciplinary studies. She especially enjoys math, science and history. She has been a strong foster care advocate over the years and she and her husband have been foster parents.
She and her husband Chris live on acreage with a horse, cow and small flock of goats together with their three children. Laura loves to see her students get excited about learning new things about the world that God created.
Christian Stordahl - Traditio
Christian Stordahl has been involved in equipping students, parents, and teachers in homeschool communities for many years, and has been redeeming her own education at home alongside four children since 2008.
She and her husband Michael attend Sola Church, which was planted from Kennewick Baptist Church in 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic. After moving all over the western half of the US, she is thankful the Lord placed her in the Tri-Cities where the blue skies and sunshine feel like home. Michael and Christian believe much of ministry is about being willing and available rather than gifted. So, they have served and been stretched in a variety of ministries since getting married in 2000.
When she isn't chauffeuring and chasing the two teenagers still at home, Christian is usually reading, walking, or tooling around her house. A recent cancer journey has her prayerfully considering what to do with the "bonus time" she's been given by the Lord in his great mercy. Whatever the answer might be, she is holding on to Psalm 118:17, "I will not die, but I will live, and proclaim what the LORD has done.""
Anita Hall - Applied Bible Study
Anita Hall is teaching 10th grade Bible Study at Coram Deo Academy. Anita comes to Coram Deo with several years of Bible leading/teaching through Bible Study Fellowship, Tricities Women's Shelter and church studies. She graduated from Coeur d' Alene Highschool.
Anita Hall has been an active Christian for 45 years. She and her husband have raised 3 children and have to joy of being grandparents to 14 grandchildren.
She has substituted for several schools in various states and various ages. She is an active member of her church.
Anita enjoys studying, history, sports and interaction with people.
She loves studying the Bible and sharing what she has learned over the years with others.
Helen Bernabe - K-5th Music & 6th-12th Fitness
Helen and her family came from Torrance, California. Before coming to the Tri-Cities area, she worked as a Teacher’s Aide, Care & Recreation Program Facilitator, and Summer Fun Program Facilitator for Valor Christian Academy.
Mrs. Bernabe was born in Los Angeles, California and has now relocated in Kennewick, Washington with her husband (John) and their two sons.
Helen can often be found reading a book, watching a preach, listening to an audiobook, or working out in her garage.
She is looking forward to sharing her love of Jesus, her love for physical fitness, and for praising God with the students at CDA.
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” Psalms 119: 105
Cheryl Gregg - 6th-12th Art
Bio coming soon…
Annie Darby - Librarian
Miss Annie is a retired elementary school teacher. She has taught in public schools in Oregon and Colorado, and in Christian schools in Washington and Oregon, and on the mission field in Brazil and the Czech Republic.
Annie and her siblings have traveled together for many years enjoying the U.S. and each other’s company. She has volunteered at CDA since 2017, first as a PE teacher and substitute, then as a librarian and tutor.
Annie loves the Lord, kids, and reading. Seeing kids become interested in books that she has shared is very rewarding.
These individuals have invested efforts at CDA in significant ways.
The many parent volunteers, men and women alike, who serve at recess, on the security team, as substitutes, participating in events, driving for field trips, sitting with students as they read, playing chess on Thursdays… thank you to the many individuals that make this school a family!