Upcoming Events

CDA Yard Sale

CDA Yard Sale

Get a head-start on spring cleaning this year! Bring your extra items that still have some life in them to school instead of donating to Goodwill or tossing them in the dumpster! We want to raise some money to continue beautifying the side lot of the building, and this is a really simple way to do that. And you can get your spring cleaning done before spring break!

Donations will be accepted during the week of March 18th-21st and stored in the back of the auditorium, or bring them over Saturday morning. We will be asking for some volunteers to help set up and tear down as well as be around during the day. A sign up sheet will be sent out to our community early in March.

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Auction Fundraiser

Auction Fundraiser

Do you love Classical Christian education and want to support the work here at Coram Deo Academy? Join us for an evening together to celebrate what God is doing and invest financially in the next generation. Live and silent auction items, music, wine, food! We hope you will invite community members who are up for a good time and can make a significant impact for our future.

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Family Skate Night

Family Skate Night

Invite your whole family and bring some friends along too! CDA Family Skate Night at Richland Rollarena on Friday, February 21st. The first 50 skaters get in free! (traditional skates included, pay $2 for rollerblades, or bring your own!) If we have more than 50 skaters, the cost will be $8/skater for traditional skates and will need to be covered by your family.

I hope that lots of us can make it! What a great opportunity to do something fun and visit together.

No outside food is allowed, but pizza and pop are available for purchase if you wish.

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Movie Night (And Games!)

Movie Night (And Games!)

Sign up to come watch a movie together after school on Friday night! (All grades invited!) Bring a water bottle and $5 for popcorn and a fun time together. (Comfy clothes and blankets are encouraged)

If your students are 6th grade-12th grade and they prefer some social time instead, there will be supervised board games in room 206.

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Semester Awards

Semester Awards

This is a time to celebrate the character and virtues we see being developed in your students through the course of the year so far. Godly character is a gift from the Lord, so any award won points ultimately to the One who is at work in the hearts and minds of our students. Come and celebrate with us, and stay for Cantabile!

Parents, whether or not your student is given an award, we hope that you will take some time and praise the growth and character you see developing in your sons and daughters. It is a worthy endeavor… and one that will have a lasting, deep impact on their souls.

There will NOT be carline this day, but you may pick your student by parking and coming inside.

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Winter Social

Winter Social

This annual formal winter event is for 9-12th graders. A small gift exchange will be part of the evening as we gather to enjoy appetizers and hot cocoa bar, the gift of giving, and spending time together. This is a required event and will be held on campus. This year’s theme is White Christmas!

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Winter Gathering

Winter Gathering

This annual informal winter event is for 6-8th graders. Students will gather together in the large classroom and enjoy hot cocoa, popcorn, and games together with parent/teacher chaperones. Although this event is optional, we hope that students can attend and enjoying kicking back with friends in a relaxed environment. We can all appreciate a chance to just have fun together!

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Thanksgiving Pie Day

Thanksgiving Pie Day

Welcome, parents, grandparents, and siblings! Come join us for pie and celebrate thankfulness and service with CDA students today. Bring a pie, help serving, stay to clean up, or just stop by.

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Fall Festival Fundraiser

Fall Festival Fundraiser

This evening event is intended to draw the whole family and plenty of friends and prospective families as well! The grassy area of the campus will be filled with food and games for three hours of family fun, food, and fellowship during the evening. Purchase tickets at the gate, or buy yours in advance from the office. You can pay online by using the Donate button. More game-specific information coming soon! This event is only a couple of weeks away! We hope to see everyone there!

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Cookie Dough Fundraiser
to Nov 1

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Dear CDA Parents,

We are looking forward to making this fundraiser a big hit!

Our goal is to raise $2,500 profit with the Pre-portioned Cookie Dough fundraiser. This money helps Coram Deo Academy serve your family by providing for monthly expenses like rent, paper supplies, and paying our teachers and staff.

Great value and fun for all supporters!

  • Each item sells for $20-$22

  • Contains 36  Cookies 1.0 oz

  • 8 items to choose from

    Selling Date: Now through November 1st: Sell as many items as possible (our goal is 5 items per student), and record all sales clearly on the order sheet. It’s important to collect all money upfront. **Important** Please make sure that any checks are made out to Coram Deo Academy

    Turn-in Date: November 1st: Please make sure you and your students turn in the orders and money collected by noon. Any delay will affect the delivery date of the products. 

    We look forward to making this a huge success. Thank you in advance for all your time and support!

If you wish to order online, please go to www.iraisemore.com and use the code 56769 to order for our school!

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Put this on your calendar!

Parents and families, plan to come and cheer on classical Christian education as you cheer on your student at the annual Coram Deo Academy’s FUND RUN! Watch for more information in the coming weeks.

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Portrait Day

Portrait Day

Portrait Day is going to be special this year! Mark Cornellison of Lama Glama Photography will be doing really beautiful work for us as a fundraiser for the school. Everything you give for the printable images of your students will go directly to Coram Deo Academy! Use the digital image of your student (see example above) for your annual Christmas card or print at your favorite local store. However, if you’d like a keepsake for years to come, you will be able to order professional print products from Lama Glama as well!

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Chess Club

Chess Club

Coram Deo Academy Chess Club

All students grade 3 and up are invited to join the CDA Chess Club after school on Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 beginning Sept. 19th.

There is no fee for this after school club and parents and grandparents are welcome to come and play or just observe.

Bring a snack and join us! If you can come weekly or just once in a while, we’re happy to have you!

Two volunteers will be on site. Everyone needs to sign in each week as they arrive.

Contact the office for more details. offce@coramdeo.academy 509.392.7420

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CDA Family Dust Devil Night

Help support Coram Deo Academy and enjoy a fun night of Dust Devils Baseball! Tickets
are just $11 each and $2 from every ticket sold goes to support the Academy! There are
special priced concessions in the ballpark as well with Family Feast Night! Coram Deo
Academy, Staff, Families and Friends can purchase tickets by scanning the QR Code above
or clicking the HYPERLINK below.
Ticket Questions: Contact Collin Ames / 509-544-8789 / cames@dustdevilsbaseball.com


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Kindergarten Meet & Greet

Please join us!

Coram Deo Academy Playground & lawn

All Kindergarteners and their families are invited to come eat lunch with Mrs. Christenson and meet your new friends! 

Bring a picnic blanket and sack lunch and come ready to play!

Please contact Mrs. Christenson with any questions at cda.kchristensen@gmail.com

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Lower School Mini Open House for May

Lower School Mini Open House for May

Coram Deo Academy is holding our next Mini Open House Event on Wednesday, February 28, from 8:15 am to 10:15 am. Parents and children of interested families will observe a typical Wednesday morning at CDA. We also welcome pastors, donors, and grandparents to join us. Enjoy a tour of the campus, a short meeting with our principal, and peek into a few classrooms. Your children can enjoy recess while you meet the teachers. RSVP to the school office to reserve your spot. 509-392-7420

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Spring Benefit and Auction

Spring Benefit and Auction

Click here for more information

Our annual Spring Benefit is a crucial event in our fundraising calendar. Thanks to the generosity of partners like Cooper Winery, who is graciously hosting our benefit for the second consecutive year, we can continue our mission of providing Classical Christian education to all families, regardless of financial limitations.

Proceeds from our benefit directly fund generous tuition scholarships for youth in our community. These scholarships enable children from various socio-economic backgrounds to access the transformative education offered at CDA, ensuring that no child is deprived of the opportunity to receive a quality Christian education due to financial constraints.

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Email: coramdeoauction@gmail.com

Adrianne Johnson, Auction Chair


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