Frequently Asked Questions
Classical Education is distinct from modern methods of learning found in most government-run schools.
Pursuing the good, the true and the beautiful, the classical approach brings students through three distinct phases of learning, referred to as the “Trivium” (Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric).
To learn more, you can watch this video.
It is our goal to have 12-15 students in each classroom, with 18 as our cap.
Our academic year runs approximately from the first Tuesday in September and ends 36 weeks later, usually the last Friday in May or the first Friday in June. We have a two-week Christmas Break, and a one-week spring break.
We meet Tuesdays through Fridays, 8:00 am - 2:45 pm.
We are not affiliated with any specific local church or denomination. We are Protestant (i.e. not in allignment with the Roman Catholic church) in our theology, and our families are from a variety of Christian churches around the Tri-Cities. We meet at Quinault Baptist Church and Grace United Reformed Church, but our board membership consists of a variety of local churches.
Tuition assistance is available to families with more than 1 student, such that tuition is capped at 10% of a family’s Adjusted Gross Income.
Our students use very little screen technology at the grammar level. We do not have a computer lab, or smart tools for the students. This is intentional and preferred in classical schools at this age level.
We are in the process of being accredited by the Association of Classical Christian Schools, and anticipate this being completed shortly.
Education is a ministry to be approved by and in partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ, Christian families and the Christian Church.
Jesus asked, “Whose image is on the coin…. Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesars.” –Luke 20:25
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them.” –Matthew 19:14
We believe that, “Children are an heritage from the Lord.” –Psalm 127:3
Therefore, as a ministry of Christ, we do not recognize secular government as having appropriate jurisdiction to accredit or regulate Christian education.
None at this time.
The English Standard Version is typically used in class.
Please call the office to schedule a classroom visit. 509-392-7420
Kindergarten — 10 minutes (infrequently)
1st — 10 minutes
2nd — 20 minutes
3rd — 30 minutes
4th — 40 minutes
5th — 50 minutes
6th, 7th, 8th —1 hour
8th-12th — varies
These are our recommendations, however, struggling students may be assigned more work if necessary to keep up or make up lost time.
We do not assign weekend homework unless the student is falling behind.
See our policy
Yes. We have simple, attractive uniform policy. There is a daily uniform and a performance uniform.
See our policy.