Full-Time Tuition & Fees for 2025-2026 Academic Year
The board of Coram Deo Academy has adopted a simple pricing structure to make classical education affordable to Christian families.
Tuition 2025-2026
$6,720 per student per school year (July 2025 to June 2026)
A 10% Multi-Student, Family Income Tuition-Cap is available, based on your Adjusted Gross Income (Tax records must be supplied to qualify for this discount).
We desire to make Christian classical education is affordable to all Christian families in the Tri-Cities.
See the spreadsheet to get an idea of what this discount might look like for your family situation. Financial Assistance is also available to those who have need or hardship.
Registration Fee for New Students
Registration (beginning March 1, 2025):
$275 per family
(Registration fees must be submitted at the time of the formal family interview)
This Fee is Non-refundable
Student Supply, Activity, and Facility Fee (SAF)
$900 per student.
Each student must pay this fee, independent of the 10% Family Income Tuition Cap. The Student fee includes:
Curriculum and Books
Student Supplies
Classroom Supplies
Rent and insurance
Administrative Costs
Scheduled Field Trips
This fee does NOT cover optional after-school clubs and classes
New Student Entrance Exam Fee
The new student entrance exam fee is $75 per student. For Coram Deo Academy to place new students in the correct grade, we require an entrance exam or a transcript review administered by one of our staff.
Continuous Enrollment Policy
Currently enrolled CDA students will be automatically re-enrolled for the following academic year. Parents wishing to dis-enroll their student(s) for the coming academic year should inform the office by March 1. Updated tuition and fees are determined in February and applied July 1st.