Christ-Centered Classical

All education is discipleship. Whoever is educating your child is discipling them.

- Dr. Voddie Baucham

We aren’t simply teaching students. We’re shaping people.

Everything we do here at Coram Deo Academy is discipleship aimed at cultivating godly virtue and character in the hearts and minds of our students. Our graduates are prepared to enter their world as men and women ready to engage culture as leaders and speak truth winsomely.

Classical education is a timeless model of educating students according to their frame; teaching them in the ways they learn best at each stage of development. We pursue excellence in a disciplined environment and joy in understanding the world in the light of Scripture and the good news it proclaims.

Everything we study finds its ultimate integrated center in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Everything we do is Coram Deo, a Latin phrase which means “in the presence of God.”

“Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
    who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,
who exult in your name all the day
    and in your righteousness are exalted.”

Psalm 89:15-16

Coram Deo Academy is a full member of the Association of Classical Christian Schools.

The Classical Approach

The Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric Stages

The Grammar Stage (Grades K-5)

  • Focus on memory, imitation, and good habits of learning

  • Lay a solid foundation for all future learning and communicating

The Logic Stage (Grades 6-8)

  • Focus on reasoning, researching, and discussing

  • Develop the use of logic and debate to develop communication skills

  • Growing independence is taught and practiced

The Rhetoric Stage (Grades 9-12)

  • Practice the skills to think critically and to communicate persuasively while developing their own unique rhetorical style.

  • Participation in senior thesis project, the crowning achievement of a classical Christian education which requires the synthesis of all skills developed throughout classical education.

Prepared for Life

The Association of Classical Christian Schools finds that students who experience a classical Christian education score higher in gratitude, hopefulness, and ability to handle adverse situations.

Classically educated students outperform on test scores.


Christian classical education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness, and beauty by means of the seven liberal arts so that the student, in Christ, is better able to know, glorify, and enjoy God.

- Center for Independent Research on Classical Education

What Our Parents Are Saying

“Our son has been challenged intellectually in such a way that he is always excited to learn more and to demonstrate to us what new knowledge he has gleaned. Learning has become a great pleasure for him and he’s grown by leaps and bounds both academically and personally.”

— Laura Barnett, Parent

“Classical education that is distinctly Christian has helped shape my girls into confident, articulate, well-reasoned, and compassionate young ladies. Coram Deo Academy should give every parent hope that our children can and will become faithful witnesses to the gospel. We are thrilled to see our girls, even in these formative years, influence their world for Christ!”

— Karen Nyman, Parent

“Coram Deo Academy has been a wonderful gift to our family. A positive and caring learning environment. My boys love CDA! The teachers and staff are great and easy to communicate with.”

— Tasha Chinery, Parent